Academic Network on Global Education & Learning (ANGEL) Early Career Researchers Conference 2020 hosted by Oulu University, Finland held as an online event due to the Corona pandemic, on 11-12 June 2020. It was scheduled long before the pandemic as a “regular” conference but travel restrictions forced the organizers to move the conference to an online sphere. 200 academics, policy-makers and practitioners, especially early career (PhD students and post-doctoral) researchers from 40 countries attended the conference.
This second biannual ANGEL early careers researcher conference focuses on research on global education and learning. It highlighted the latest research and initiatives in global education. The focus was on the growing nationalism concerning the Covid-2019 pandemic and its consequences for education. Against this background, the conference participants discussed the consequences for democracy education and the challenges for democracy created by the pandemic.
The opening panel discussion’s topic was “Conceptualisations of Global Education & Learning” attended by Prof. Fazal Rizvi (Professor in Global Studies in Education, Univisersity of Melbourne, Australia); Prof. Yusef Waghid (Distinguished Professor, Philosophy of Education, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa); Dr. Karen Pashby , (Reader, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) and Prof. Thaigo Gehre Galvao, (Professor in the International Relations Institute, University of Brazil) and chaired by Prof. Elina Lehtomäki (Professor of Global Education, Oulu, Finland).
The first findings of the ForDemocracy Project 10 also presented under the headline of “Learning world citizenship and democracy for German-Turks” at the conference as a paper presentation which attracted great interest and questions. The presentation was part of the “Global citizens” session with two other participants specifically “Supporting Development Education in the Adult and Community Education Sector: a Case Study of a Strategic Partnership in Ireland” and “Global Citizens in the 21st Century Classroom: A Mixed-Methods Study of Motivational Aspects of Global Awareness” from USA.
Dr. Caroline Rau presented her research about the “Teaching culture in the humanities − the education of pupils for a life in the world society”. She was as well an invited panelist for the second general panel of the conference, focusing “In the wake of pandemics & global threats, what is education’s counter-narrative to growing nationalism?” The other panelists were Prof. Anssi Paasi (Professor of Geography, Univ. of Oulu, Finland) and Tao Xi (University College London, UK). Prof. Dr. Annette Scheunpflug (University of Bamberg, Germany) and Liam Wegimont (Global Education Network Europe) summed up in their closing words the strong relationship between global citizenship education and education for democracy.
The Angel network formed in 2017 to create ties among global education researchers as a framework of support to encourage the reinforcement of relationships among scholars and academic institutions. It is an initiative between the Development Education Research Center based at the UCL Institute of Education in London and the Global Education Network of Europe (GENE), which is the European network of ministries, agencies and national bodies responsible for support, funding and policymaking in the field of global education. You can find more information here: or
Empfohlene Zitierweise
Caroline Rau: Academic Network on Global Education & Learning (ANGEL) Early Career Researchers Conference 2020 at the University of Oulu, Finland. In: Bayerischer Forschungsverbund „Die Zukunft der Demokratie“ (Hrsg.): ForDemocracy 2020. (Datum des Zugriffs)
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Caroline Rau (1. Juli 2020). Academic Network on Global Education & Learning (ANGEL) Early Career Researchers Conference 2020 at the University of Oulu, Finland. ForDemocracy. Abgerufen am 18. Januar 2025 von